Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Hmmm... time out. Pookie and Odie's Mommy here. I am way confused at the layout of this blog. Seem to keep getting things backwards here. So let me clarify. Pookie is my eldest doggie. I had her for over a year when we decided to get Odie. Odie's birthday is July 26, 2007 and Pookie's is April 6, 2006. Their personalities are very different. Pookie is fiesty and spoiled. This is for sure my fault. As the only doggie for over a year, she was for sure my princess. She is independant of Odie, but incredibly attached to me. Odie is the baby of the family. He is Pookie's constant companion and Mommy's boy for sure. True to Pug form, he is our clown. Both of my dogs are snugglers, but Odie is overly affectionate, licking me into submission daily. To get a kiss from Pookie is rare, but she is always by my side or on my lap. I absolutely love these two dogs and their personalities and antics make me smile always.

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